Leadership Training focusing on the following connected issues regarding the administration of book groups at your library (How do you attract new people? How do you convince your supervisor to let you add more book groups? Who leads book discussions at your library? Paid staff or volunteers?)
Leadership Training on Discussion Genre Fiction
Leadership Training: Everything I Learned about Book Clubs During A Pandemic
Leadership Training on discussing Non-Fiction
Leadership Training on discussing under the radar book club tit
Leadership Training on best practices for choosing which books your group will discuss
Leadership Training on how to include authors in book club events—during which Christina Henríquez joined the conversation
Leadership Training on Book Clubs Reopening
Leadership Training on managing the group dynamic during book discussions
Leadership Training on sure bet audiobooks
Discussion (Coming Soon)
Leadership Training on violent content in book club books
Leadership Training on incorporating romance novels into any book club—during which Sonali Dev joined the conversation
Leadership Training on how to discuss nonfiction titles
Leadership Training on "under the radar" book discussion gems
Leadership Training on the We Need Diverse Books movement and how and why we should make sure the books we are offering our groups represent diverse voices
Leadership Training on serving outside book groups in your community.
Leadership Training on "Best" Books vs. Comfort Reads
Leadership Training on discussing "best" books (either award winners or popular book club picks)
Leadership Training on offsite & offbeat book clubs
Leadership Training on Book Club Basics.
Leadership Training on When You Haven't Read the Book
Leadership Training focusing on using genre titles for book discussions
Leadership Training on how to select books for discussion, encouraging participation, and other topics
Leadership Training on Summer and Winter Reading Programs: Successes, New Ideas, and Areas of Opportunity
Leadership Training on discussing alternate formats (graphic novels, film, etc.) in book clubs.
Leadership Training on discussing sensitive topics
Leadership Topic on Best Practices for Selecting Discussion Books
Leadership Topic on What to do when people talk too much at a book discussion
Leadership Training on How Book Clubs Have Changed
Leadership Training on RA Services After We Re-Open
Leadership Training on Hosting Authors at Your Book Discussion.
Leadership Training where participants shared their favorite "under the radar" book discussion gems
Leadership Training on TMI During Book Club: How to Handle Personal Disclosures and Awkward Confessions
Leadership Training on hosting virtual book discussions.
Leadership Training on dealing with political tension in book clubs
Leadership Training on how to best prepare for book discussion
Leadership Training on Best Practices for Getting Inclusive Books into Patrons' Hands
Leadership Training on how to grow a book club
Leadership Training on how to both recruit new members and retain old ones
For lists of older discussion titles, notes, and documents please email sc@arrtreads.org