Chicagoland Authors Database
ARRT has compiled this list of Chicagoland authors to help libraries find local authors for events and build their local author collections.
Chicagoland authors’ names can be submitted by library staff or by the authors themselves. Library staff can also offer to serve as a reference for an author.
ARRT is happy to compile this information as a service to the Chicagoland library community. All information contained herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. If you see any errors in author information, please let us know.
ARRT provides the connection to library references to our members as a membership benefit. As an organization, we do not vet, monitor, or condone the information the contact person willing to share their experience is providing.
Add Chicagoland authors to the list
If you are a librarian, submit author information here.
If you are a Chicagoland author, submit your information here.
Find a Chicagoland Author
The Chicagoland Authors Database provides a list of Chicago area authors, along with their home city, genre, and other details. Adult Reading Round Table members may contact to obtain a copy, including library staff willing to serve as references for specific authors.