Assignment_Welcome Meeting

Welcome Meeting
February 4, 2021, 2-4 PM

Here is the assignment:

For our first meeting we’ll discuss the outline of the genre study and how we will tackle narrative nonfiction. For your assignment:

  • Bring one “Sure Bet” nonfiction book. When you have someone who says they have to read a nonfiction book (against their will), what book do you find they end up enjoying? Be prepared to discuss why you think this book appeals broadly to many readers.
  • Please read a narrative nonfiction book that appeals to your sense of humor.
    • Since humor is so hard to define, you are just looking for a book that makes you laugh.
    • Bring a book that helped cheer you up through 2020!
    • If you can’t find one, bring an example of a book that failed and why it failed to make you laugh.

Register to attend here.