Lunch, Book Talks, and Wrap-Up
December 5, 2019, 2-4 PM
Glenview Public Library
Welcome to the last session of the romance genre study! Join us for a complimentary lunch and a final chat about some of our favorite romance books.
Here is the assignment:
For the next time, read 1-2 romance books of your choice and come prepared to booktalk them to the group. The booktalks should not be more than 5-minutes long but the content and the approach are completely up to you. We’ll also discuss your favorite styles of booktalking, your favorite places/times to booktalk, tips, pet peeves, guidelines, examples, resources, etc. Let’s think about booktalking in general but also as applicable specifically to romance books and readers.
Additionally, let’s look back on the last two years of the romance genre study and think of our favorite, most-instructive, most-entertaining sessions, discussions, or subjects. What did you learn? How did you benefit? What worked well? What could be improved to make future ARRT genre studies the best they could be?
Finally, don’t forget to bring your completed bingo cards. We’ll have some sweet prices for you!