- Read at least one romance book of your choice. Be ready to discuss why your book would or would not be a good candidate for a book discussion.
- Come prepared to discuss some of the following subjects:
- Have you personally lead a discussion of a novel with a romance thread that had a HEA? Have you participated in a book discussion that featured a romance? How did it go?
- How are you displaying and promoting romance at your library (displays, signs, the location of the collection, shelving, signage, labels, etc.)? What works well? What are your challenges? What would you like to change?
- Does your library provide any romance-specific programming? If so, are they effective? What are your challenges? What new, romance-specific programming would you like to test at your library?
- What romance-specific RA tools and services do you offer patrons? What romance-specific RA training do you offer staff? What works well? What could be improved?
- Let’s discuss various aspects of romance-specific collection development at your library (selection, tools, vendors, publishers, formats, pricing, cataloging, statistics, weeding, etc.)? What works well? What are your challenges?
- Do you interact with the romance community in your area? Do you engage with the online community of romance writers and readers? If so, describe how.
- Note some of your favorite romance-related resources you’ve used during our genre study (blogs, podcasts, publications, events, libraries, bookstores, etc.). By the end of the romance genre study, we’ll compile a list of the most used/best loved romance resources, tools, communities for your future use.
- Don’t forget your bingo cards. Get a bingo by our December meet and win a sweet prize.