ARRT & ILA Readers’ Advisory Service Award

ARRT is now accepting submissions for the second annual ILA Readers’ Advisory Service Award! Last year, Downers Grove Public Library‘s wonderful Book Genie won the inaugural award. This award recognizes excellence in the planning, development, and delivery of …

Upcoming Book Discussion & Training

Please join us to discuss Lexicon by Max Barry: “Recruited into an exclusive government school where students are taught the science of coercion to support a secretive organization of “poet” world manipulators, …

Crime fiction genre study notes

We’re approaching the home stretch of our Crime Fiction genre study, and ARRT members can find latest notes on our dedicated genre study site, along with the assignment for the …


Registration is now open for the 2015 Illinois Library Association conference, and ARRT is well-represented. We’re sponsoring both the inaugural Readers’ Advisory Service Award and the program Genre Study Success!, presented …